Monday 1 February 2016

Adjusting to Big School

So the new year has come... I mean it's February already. And my what a world wind it has been!!

I feel like I have not had a moment to myself let alone, a moment to think or write.

So my son started at big school this year, Grade R. Yes we got into the school of my dreams but my what hard work it has turned out to be.

From getting school uniforms, to choosing extra murals, to him even making friends.

I thought this big school thing would be a breeze, afterall he had 2 years in pre-school to prepare. But boy was he not. He cried everyday for the first week and half of school. He had no friends and actually started saying that he hated school and wanted to go back to his nursery school. I was in total panic mode. I though I had made the biggest mistake ever! I even felt like a failure of a mom.

But the light came in the form of Granny. My mom came to visit for a week and managed to speak to his teacher and tell her about the lack of friends situation, and 2 days later he made a friend. (Phew!).

Then extra murals began and he was in his element. Afterall my son is the biggest sports fanatic I know. So now he is doing cricket and golf. (Golf, who would've have ever thought?) There are no more tears in the morning. He goes to school looking forward to whatever sport he will be playing that day.

I hope his love for school (actual school work) does improve because these are going to be the best years of his life.

I mean when I walked back into that school hall, 15 years later (after finishing there), it was like I had come full circle. My son continues the family tradition and for the first time ever I felt like an actual grown up (an old one :)  but an actual grown up nonetheless.

Here's to many many more years of being part of a school that is rich in history, family and great education.


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