Wednesday 20 April 2016

My C-Section Story

So April is C-Section Awareness month, so I thought I would share my C-Section story.

Never in a million years did I think I would have a C-Section. I did all the research I needed in order to have a normal, natural birth. Hell I even listened to as many horror stories as I could, from every woman that I knew who had given natural birrh, just so that I could some way prepare myself mentally for the journey.

But funny no-one ever mentioned C-Section, no-one. So for me it wasn't even an option, it didn't even feature. But a whole 4 weeks before my due-date, due to me getting very upset at work, my placenta ruptured. But still I didn't think that I would have my baby. I had no pain, just a whole lot of blood loss. Yet I still kept my cool. I just thought that I'd go to hospital, they would somehow stop the bleeding and I would be on my way home.

But boy was I in for a rude awakening. The minute I heard the words C-Section I started flipping. But I had to get myself together real fast. I had a baby coming, who I wasn't even completely ready for. The clothes weren't ready, the crib wasn't put up, nothing.  Hell I hadn't even packed a bag yet. I mean I still had 4 weeks to prepare. But as soon as I realized that this was really happening here and now, I just pulled myself towards myself and found one focal point, and focused on that.

I remember hearing how horrible an epidural was, and how long and big the need was but still I persevered. And then I could feel them touching my stomach and I nearly flipped again. I was like "I can still feel everything." But the doctors assured me that although I would feel pressure, I wouldn't feel pain. You know me with my over-active imagination, I was just picturing in my head (because of course you can't see anything) what was going on.

All the while I was holding my breath, waiting for that sound that would tell me everything was alright. And then it happened.... My son came into the world and let out the most beautiful sound I had ever heard, he cried. And all of a sudden I started crying (yes, just like you see in the movies).

I was overwhelmed by a feeling of gratitude. And then I was overwhelmed by a feeling of fear (I mean I was officially the mother of a living, breathing human being). This tiny person would be wholly dependent on me. What did I know about being a mother?

Fast forward to the next day and I remember my mom's words of advise. Walk as soon as you can so that you can leave quicker. So that's what I did. I walked ALOT. (as painful as it was I did it) And I remember thinking I'm going to be out of here in no time, and back at home with my husband's help and mom's help.

Again my excitement was short lived. Due to having lost so much blood I had to have a blood transfusion. I remember watching woman come and have their babies and leave and there I still was. 4 days after giving birth I was finally allowed to go home and a week later I had my staples removed.

I think only after that did I realise how serious of an operation a C-Section actually is. Because it is just that, an operation, which comes with its' own set of complications as well.

I am just grateful that everything went off well. But looking back even today (as the mother of an almost 6 year old) I would still have chosen to given natural birth if I could.

Hopefully next time around that is the route I can take because I am totally all for VBAC (vaginal birth after C-Section.)

So ladies do as much research as you can on both forms of delivery and then make your choice based on the pro's and con's.



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