Saturday, 2 May 2015

Book Club Corner - Carole Matthews "The Only Way is Up"

Every so often I come across a great read, so I've decided to call this the "Book Club Corner." Its a place where we can review our favourite books and authors.

As you guys know last year I re-joined the library and boy am I glad I did because it has allowed me to get in touch with my first love...reading.

My first book review was Mike Gayle's "Turning 30". You guys did read it right? If not please do I promise you, you will be pleasantly surprised.

My latest great find has got to be Carole Matthews' "The Only Way is Up." It's a riches to rags story. It talks about how loosing everything can show you all you've really been missing in life.

I could sort of relate to this book because when my dad was still alive we lived a really comfortable life but when he died we lost everything. When you have it all you never ever think about what life is like till the shoe is on the other foot.

This book is such a heart wrenching and heart warming one. It crosses neighborhoods, colour and lifestyles.

Once again I loved the book for the short chapters (time is of the essence, tick-tock, tick-tock.) I loved how the wife "Lily" stands by her man's side when they loose everything. She is a strong woman who does everything to support her family and keep a roof (although its not THE roof) over their heads. She learns how to do things she has never done before. She embraces their situation and makes the best out of what life has thrown their way.

I am a little bit upset about the turn that she does take for a split second. ( I didn't see it coming.) She lets her guard down and sees if the grass is greener on the other side. But she quickly comes to her senses and everything goes back to how it's supposed to be.

I love how black and white come together. How skin colour means nothing when we are all in the "same boat." How easily true friends are formed over adverse situations and how quickly fake one's are broken because of them. I loved the family dynamic to it. After all there is nothing more important in this world than one's family.

All in all it was a great read and I ABSOLUTELY cannot wait for my next dose of Carole Matthews.

*Accreditation to @mikegayle -
*Accreditation to @carolmatthews -


  1. Tasmin, your comment - "I love how black and white come together. How skin colour means nothing when we are all in the same boat." hit home to me, so before I comment on Carole Matthews book I'd love for you to read 'Black and White. A child's experience of UK immigration 1950's" and tell me what you think. It's a funny, sad, enlightening piece and you have just hit the nail on the head with your sentence.

    Now on to Carole's book, I haven't read this book but in the past have read other books that she's written. I checked and your enjoyment of this novel is in line with what about 75% of the people leaving comments on Amazon have said - so you're in good company.

    The other 25% think that although she introduces some great characters and they were intrigued to know what was going to happen next, something didn't quite ring true. For example one reviewer said . . .

    "I found it a little silly and unbelievable. I know that it's fiction but it was a little much at times - I can't believe that you can lose everything like that and be in the situation they were. Would you really spend £20,000 on a holiday if you knew?"

    Another reviewer said - "All of Carole's books are easy to get into. They are written in an easy to read style and The Only Way Is Up is no different. I found the book not only enjoyable but also interesting and it really opened my eyes to the effect and difficult times the recession has had on many people."

    So nothing too disastrous but I don't think it'll be a book for me, however your words about losing everything in your own life very much makes it a book for you and I can totally understand why you have enjoyed it.

    Keep up the reviews, and don't forget to let me know what you think about 'Black and White' - might seem like history to you but to me it's life :-)

    Take care.

    1. Thank you for your comment @HJC. Everyone does have their opinions on everything in life. I read your post and loved the way that you admitted to your mistake and that you would change it if you could. If you have never been in a situation where you are treated differently for being different you would never know how to react to the situation. I am appalled that in this day and age racism is still so rife. It also seems to be a big topic of discussion. It's definitely something I want to talk about especially with us just having gone through these Xenophobic attacks in South Africa. Thank you for your support it truly means alot.

  2. The older I get the less I really understand mankind. I believe the fearful gene for anything or anyone different is, in some, deep rooted, but the counterbalance and the saving grace in my eyes are the many thousands of good, wonderful people who strive to make life better for all. I believe this is going to take a very long time but thankfully I think it will come one day. I certainly hope so for the sake of all our children. Do write about your country Tasmin, I should love to read your first hand accounts. All good wishes, Hilary

    1. Thank you for all you words and for the continued support. Please do check out the post on Xenophobia.
