Sunday, 19 July 2015

Proving Your Love

So I would think that this is something that every couple goes through at some point in their relationship.

I feel that in every relationship there is the person that needs you to SHOW them everyday just how much you love them and then there is the other person that just knows.

For me I'm a simple girl. It's the simple things in life that mean the most to me. e.g helping me when I cook.

So how do you prove to someone that you love them? Love to me is alot of things. e.g

When you are in a relationship it's two totally different people coming together. There are alot of things that you have to change in order for it to work. I feel there is no quick way to prove to someone you love them. It's a work in progress. It's in the everyday things that you do. I don't believe in buying "things" because anyone can do that. Feeling emotionally safe for me is how you prove your love.

Love is an emotion, just like being sad or angry.  It's something that you feel and that you can express. 

Sound off in the comments and let me know what you think about this topic.

Till next time.